Well, silly, you’re on the about page, of course!

I’m a queer, nonbinary writer of speculative fiction, mainly horror, erotica, romance, and literary fiction, and who knows, one day I may dip my toes into nonfiction too. In general, the things I write about tend to lean darker and more taboo (which is why I thought having a sunshine and rainbows themed website would be funny) and in my works, I prioritize telling nonbinary stories, so when I do write romance, expect it to be N/N or X/X.

I write for adults, so while this website might not be 18+, all of my books definitely are, whether they contain sexual content or not (most of them do tbh)

Thus far, one of my short stories has been published in an anthology and I plan on publishing my debut novel(la?) within the next few years (2025-2027) This website was created to host information about my books as they release. Feel free to check out the one book listed on here since I don’t really have anything else right now.

You can follow me on Instagram @gothic.protagonist.irl or for contact purposes, shoot me an email @gothichorrormadness@gmail.com